Stephen Power

Medical Scientist
Haematology Laboratory, University Hospital Limerick
Presentation Title: An overview of the implementation of ‘Blood Sciences’ in two large hospitals
Speaker Bio:
Stephen Power is a medical scientist working full-time in the Haematology Laboratory, University Hospital Limerick. He graduated from Biomedical Science (UCC/CIT) in 2016 and underwent clinical placement in UHL, completing in 2017. Stephen has since worked in Haematology UHL and most recently completed an MSc Molecular Biology offered by Staffordshire University. He completed his dissertation, “Investigation of the DLBCL Tumour Microenvironment using CIBERSORT”, in 2021 and was awarded the Departmental Prize for outstanding Masters Research Project in Molecular Biology by the University.
Stephen’s duties in the Haematology laboratory involve managing local IT and acting as the coordinator for student medical scientist in-service training programmes for MTU and ATU. Stephen was heavily involved in the transition of Haematology to a new Blood Sciences Laboratory in University Hospital Limerick and Nenagh Hospital, including validations of new analysers, IT middleware including the associated process and cultural change, and training. Stephen is a CORU registered medical scientist and a Fellow of the Academy of Clinical Sciences and Laboratory Medicine (FACSLM).
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