Enhancing thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) diagnosis through quantifying ADAMTS-13 is time consuming and technically demanding. However, a recent multi-centre evaluation of TECHNOSCREEN® ADAMTS13 activity assay as a screening tool for detecting deficiency of ADAMTS-13 has concluded that the test provides more rapid ADAMTS-13 level evaluation than most currently available assays. “Its simple operation renders it suitable for adoption in routine or specialist laboratory environments[1]”.
TECHNOSCREEN® ADAMTS13 activity assay by Technoclone, is a semiquantitative flow through assay for the determination of ADAMTS13 activity levels in human citrated plasma. This assay is intended as a screening tool for estimating ADAMTS-13 activity. Patient plasma is incubated with a vWF fragment. ADAMTS13 specific cleavage of the vWF is then detected with a cleavage site specific antibody by the amount of color development. The amount of cleavage directly correlates to the ADAMTS13 activity level in the plasma sample.
For further information on the TECHNOSCREEN® ADAMTS13 activity assay please go to our website www.langanbach.ie.